Austcor Packaging
Annual Savings
$76,686 + GST
471 tonnes CO2

- Lighting contributed 27% of the site’s electrical costs
- The site had 296 x 400W Metal Halide High Bay Lights operating 5,500 hours per annum
- Lighting costs in excess of $168,000 + GST per annum (inclusive of maintenance)
- Installed 195 x 200W IEQ Induction Lights in the production areas
- Installed 96 x 150W IEQ Induction Lights in the warehouse area (lower lux levels required)
- Installed daylight sensing to turn off lights during the day to save additional energy
- Increased light levels in manufacturing areas
- No maintenance/bulb replacement for 10 years
- Annual electricity savings of 444 MWh/pa
- Reduction in electrical consumption by 56%
- NSW Government Funding – ESC’s of $103,000 + GST
- Carbon savings – 471 Tonnes/pa
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